
Showing posts from December, 2021

Bitcoin infrastructure for Enterprise solutions in Blockchain world

  Bitcoin infrastructure for Enterprise solutions in Blockchain world   Main Topics Covered : Ø Bitcoin Vs. Bitcoin Blockchain    Ø Why Bitcoin’s slow adoption in Mainstream consumers or business adoption?   Ø Why the bitcoin blockchain is not yet suitable for institutional financial transactions?   Ø Can financial institutions enjoy the benefits of Bitcoin infrastructure (Bitcoin blockchains) without suffering from the problems of bitcoin itself?   Ø Multiple Enterprise Use-Cases of Multiplechain Framework (Bitcoin infrastructure)     Why Bitcoin’s slow adoption in Mainstream consumers or business adoption?   Bitcoin is getting popular day by day as a cheap, rapid and reliable method for moving economic values across the crypto economics in the world in a peer to peer manner. Bitcoin network has been operating continuously and smoothly for over more than 9 years. Inspite of losses and thefts of bitcoins belonging to individual holders, the network itself has n
Crypto FAQs answered — about crypto regulations, trading, taxes and CBDC in India Hello friends Again we will discuss about the regulations expected in the coming crypto bill of india which is already being discussed in the parliament.  Lot of questions are there in the minds of the public. I have tried to prepare a list of FAQs for the coming regulations.  Let’s discuss these FAQs one by one. 1.    Is Crypto activity banned in India totally ? First understand that there is nothing in the law as on date which bans crypto activity in India. This FUD around us is there because in 2018, RBI issued one official directive to all banks and financial institutions telling them not to entertain transactions with crypto exchanges. And due to this banks and fin. Institutions stopped entertaining crypto exchanges’ transactions which in turn made difficult for exchanges to accept deposit from public. Indirectly that was undeclared ban kind of thing. But in 2020, Supreme court turned down t
Is Crypto = Money ? Interesting topic I am going to write about today is whether crypto is currency/money or not. Whenever we talk about money, it is considered as medium of exchange in the form of payment for goods and services, measurable as a unit of account, a store of value. Most importantly this medium of exchange in place must carry with the consent/approval/stamp of any govt. in any respective given country. Let’s come to Crypto = Money or not ? I would say crypto   is  ‘Asset’  like gold, diamond, property etc. Like we purchase assets for any reason say as store of value, practical usage in our life, etc. People may purchase any asset as per their choice for any valid reason. I would rather say crypto, not cryptocurrency. The word cryptocurrency gives crypto the meaning of money. If crypto starts using as money, then lot of issues are there for the central agencies like governments, central banks, income tax authorities, international institutions involved in cross border sett
  Future of Crypto Legislation in India What would be the picture of regulations expected in the new Crypto bill ?   We will cover certain aspects of legislation :   Ø   What would be the future of Legislation ?   Ø   What are the Prior areas for the Govt. for deciding legislation structure ?   Ø   What problems Govt. have with cryptos ?   You know current hot debate is crypto bill. Biggest risk to cryptocurrenc   Do you know the ‘Biggest risk to cryptocurrency is what?   Normally we talk about such risk factors are ‘Hacking, Price volatility, Fadism, Technology’, etc. But I believe, biggest risk to cryptocurrencies is from ‘Legislature/Regulator’ or governments of respective countries.   Why I am saying it a biggest risk is because sometimes people in cryptos and Establishments/States/Governments are not aligned with each other. For most of the governments, crypto is something like Godzilla (big animal) has entered in the city and government is trying to figure out how t